Disease & Pest Management


Genetically modified (GM) traits, usually referred to as input traits, are often confused with the actual genetics (DNA makeup) of corn and soybean plants. 

The difference? 

It’s simple: a genetically modified trait (input trait) allows a plant to offer herbicide tolerance and insecticide resistance. It aids the plant in maximizing its potential during the growing season. 


On the other hand, the genetics, or DNA makeup of a plant, is derived from the germplasm pool of each species. This is where cultivated, wild, and related corn or soybean DNA can be crossed, creating a unique DNA makeup. This is also known as the overall agronomic characteristics of the plant (disease tolerance, standability, plant height, etc.)

To better understand the DNA of a plant vs the traits available to a plant, think of traits as extra protection, or an “add-on” to the agronomics not readily available in the corn or soybean gene pool. 

At AgriGold, we offer top-of-the-line trait choices that add value to your seed-buying decisions. 


AgriGold offers the industry-leading trait choices you need to start building a customized soybean management plan. Whether you’re in maturity zone 0 or 5, we have trait choices that fit your needs, and can help you exceed performance expectations. Learn more about the three trait options below:

Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® SoybeansWaterhemp, marestail, ragweed, and many of the other toughest, highly present weeds have developed resistance to herbicide programs with single mode of action control. If you often experience above-average weed pressure in your fields, look to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. This option offers tolerance to a combination of glyphosate and dicamba to fight off the toughest weeds competing with your crop.

XTENDFLEX® SoybeansXtendFlex® soybeans are built on the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology feature with the additional tolerance to glufosinate. The tolerance to all three herbicides gives you the flexibility to spray any of the three pre- or post-planting to fight off those hard to control weeds. Combining elite genetics with strong agronomic characteristics and herbicide tolerance to dicamba, glyphosate, and glufosinate ensures you achieve the winning yields you want.

ENLIST E3® SoybeansEnlist E3® soybeans offer some of the most advanced trait technology available in soybeans, providing a new option for weed control and yield performance. With Enlist E3® soybeans, the three herbicide tolerances (to 2,4-D choline, glyphosate, and glufosinate) combine to deliver a complete seed control system.


Matching the right genetic families and hybrids to your unique operation is the first step to a successful corn crop. Once you select the right hybrids, the next step is protecting that yield with the right traits.

AgriGold offers a simple approach to the industry’s complicated trait offerings, ranging from time-tested conventional to the latest technologies. Find out more about our above-ground, below-ground, and elite ear protection trait choices below:



DroughtGard® Hybrids: Working with tough-to-manage acres and a suboptimal environment? Look no further than DroughtGard® products that pair rugged genetics with a biotech drought trait. They provide enhanced drought tolerance and two modes of action for above-ground protection, working hard against pests such as European corn borer.

Trecepta®: Built on the proven VT Double PRO® technology (glyphosate herbicide tolerance), Trecepta is the first technology to target corn earworm with three modes of built-in action, helping to protect kernels and prevent yield loss.

VT Double Pro®: Offering two modes of action for above-ground insect protection, VT Double Pro®  controls primary pests, such as corn earworm and fall armyworm. 

Agrisure Viptera® 3110: Offering above-ground insect control, Agrisure Viptera 3110 is the corn input trait for growers who do not need to manage corn rootworm. It offers both glyphosate and glufosinate tolerance to help combat weeds and insects present in your fields. 

Agrisure® 3120 E-Z Refuge®: Offering two modes of action against corn borer and control of ear-feeding insects, this integrated refuge product helps control above-ground insects on fields that have high insect pressure. 

Agrisure Viptera® 3220 E-Z Refuge®: Intended for geographies where corn rootworm is not a primary issue, Agrisure Viptera® 3220 E-Z Refuge® allows growers in cotton-growing regions to plant a supplemental 20% refuge with two modes of above-ground protection with 5% RIB.

Agrisure Viptera® 3220A E-Z Refuge®:  Agrisure Viptera® 3220A E-Z Refuge® offers the same qualities as Agrisure Viptera® 3220 E-Z Refuge®, with the addition of the Artesian trait that offers water optimization for areas that tend to experience dry conditions. 



SmartStax® RIB Complete: SmartStax® is the all-in-one corn trait with root, stalk, and ear protection. It offers dual modes of protection against tough insects, such as corn rootworm. This in-the-bag refuge offers additional modes of action to protect more acres and offer more yield opportunities. Combining Roundup Ready® (glyphosate) Corn 2 technology and LibertyLink® herbicide (glufosinate) tolerance enables broad-spectrum weed control. 

Agrisure Duracade® 5222 E-Z Refuge®:  If you experience above-ground insect pressure, look towards Agrisure Duracade® 5222 E-Z Refuge® for market-leading above-ground insect control. It’s the ultimate trait stack for premium insect control, choice, and simplicity in corn. It also offers broad-spectrum control to 16 damaging insects, especially corn rootworm. The combination of Agrisure Duracade and Agrisure® RW traits enables dual modes of action and elite ear protection.

Agrisure Duracade® 5222A E-Z Refuge®: Agrisure Duracade® 5222A E-Z Refuge® combines the above-and-below-ground choices of Agrisure Duracade® 5222 E-Z Refuge® with the addition of the Artesian trait to aid in water optimization in grain to maximize yield consistency.


Agrisure Viptera® 3111: This option offers comprehensive protection against 16 above- and below-ground, quality-robbing insects, including fall armyworm, corn rootworm, corn borers, and western bean cutworm. The Agrisure Viptera 3111® trait stack gives you the opportunity to choose from glyphosate or glufosinate (LibertyLink®) herbicide technologies, making weed control and ear protection a walk in the park. 

Agrisure Duracade® 5122 E-Z Refuge®: Similar to the Agrisure Duracade® 5222 trait, the 5122 trait stack offers a dual mode of action against corn rootworm, plus corn borer control, and glyphosate tolerance. 

SmartStax Pro®: SmartStax Pro® combines a new RNA-i  based mode of action to previous SmartStax® technology to add a third mode of action against corn rootworm. Along with corn rootworm, Smart Stax Pro® technology provides above and below-ground protection against pests like armyworms, European corn borer, and earworms. Together, the two tested Bt characteristics and the RNAi technology deliver protection against corn rootworm while still delivering the necessary glyphosate and glufosinate herbicide resistance.



Roundup Ready Corn 2: Offers powerful genetics for structured refuge acres, while being a great match for acres managed with soil-applied insecticides.

Agrisure® GT: Offering season-long control or elimination of several insects, Agrisure GT gives you flexibility to choose preferred glyphosate brands for overall tolerance. 

Conventional: Our elite genetics offered without traits.


With unpredictable challenges thrown your way each growing season, it’s more important than ever to have outstanding genetics and added trait options to maintain yields that win. Get in contact with your local AgriGold agronomist for more information about corn and soybean input trait options. They’ll help you decide which will work best to control disease, limit pests, and maximize yields on all your acres.